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Messages - tsylvester

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All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Re: State Fair of Texas
« on: September 29, 2016, 02:04:49 pm »
I can't think of anything too out of the ordinary to tell you about.  We always enjoy ourselves, it is a well run event.  There is a good deal of trading going on, so if you are looking to offload one or pickup a sheep ask around.  The food is crazy money so bring a cooler with as much food and drinks as possible.  Leave your pocket knife at home or in your showbox, they wand you when entering.  Lastly, the drenching is funny to watch.  You have to go to the wash racks, so when you round the corner to the racks....boom a million drenchers.  Good luck and have fun!

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Re: I sold the lead sheep!
« on: September 23, 2016, 01:01:33 pm »
Funny, we have learned so much about people because of our sheep.  I never would have thought so and its difficult to explain to someone who doesn't raise sheep but it is so true.

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Withering Lambs
« on: August 23, 2016, 08:27:39 am »
Question for you all.  This not a specific case but something I've seen a couple times a year and wondering if anyone else has solved this riddle.  None of the lambs it happened to were worth investing in vet charges so I've tried to solve myself with no luck.

Here is the scenario....
Lamb is fine, growing at normal pace and at about 4 months old it begins being lethargic and reduces feed intake.  Over time it gets thinner and eats less.  I will supplement with a liquid diet, deworm, use various antibiotics, bo-se, vitamin B, CD antitoxin (not all at once or to the same lamb but I have tried all these at some point) with no change.  They wont have a fever or diahrea and show no physical signs of weakness in joints, limbs or muscles. They have had 2 CDT shots by this time.  I know it is not contagious and I know it will take a couple months before they die.  Maybe sometimes they will have a cough.  It seems as though their body cannot process the nutrients in food anymore.

Certainly, I'm not the only one to see this every now and then?

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Re: I would like to know if anyone
« on: June 24, 2016, 07:41:16 am »
Yes, that is generally what we do but I wouldn't consider it "over fat".  There are two categories of exercise for us...Cardio and Muscle building.  You can build muscle when they don't have much fat but we avoid cardio until they have some fat.

This is where I plan to buy some when I get the free money...

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Listing of 2017 Texas Major Judges
« on: May 25, 2016, 11:41:00 am »
Anyone have a link to somewhere with a listing of all the judges?  If not, maybe we can begin assembling the list here?

State Fair (2016)
Breeding JR- Jake Thorne - Miles, TX
Breeding Open-
Market- Cody Sloan - Cameron, MO

Fort Worth
Breeding JR-
Breeding Open-

Breeding JR-
Breeding Open-
Market- Kyle Smith - College Station, TX

San Antonio
Breeding JR-
Breeding Open-
Market- Dr. Kelly Bruns - North Platte, NE

Market- Chad Coburn - Sterling City, Texas

San Angelo
Breeding JR-
Breeding Open-

Sorry- no Dorper ewe lambs for sale.

All-  Our barn will be open Saturday 5/7 if you need a lamb.  Please see or our facebook page for more info.  You can call or txt for an appointment at 940-312-8787

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Re: Shearing schedule
« on: May 04, 2016, 08:21:30 am »
We try to keep things real simply and easy, we'd shear once for both shows and double blanket if needed.

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Re: Sex Ratios
« on: April 27, 2016, 10:27:55 am »
Here are my numbers for this season...

Fertility   94%
Mortality   19%
Female   62%
Male           38%
Lambs per ewe   170%

Fertility   94%
Mortality     0%
Female   44%
Male           56%
Lambs per ewe   110%

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Re: New lamb (12 hrs old) wheezing
« on: March 26, 2016, 07:02:33 am »
If it was me I would give the lamb a couple cc's or ml' in Canada ;) of la200 and we would keep milking the ewe and make sure the lamb is getting plenty of colostrum.  Better safe than sorry, it's easier to keep one going than bring it back.  Sometimes they are dumb and need  help for a few days.

The police have found the vehicle, it was abandoned in Houston.  No sign of the trailer or animals though.

For sure, I'll keep you guys posted.  So far there is no sign of the vehicle, trailer or livestock.  The kids are all recovering well, today is not an easy one since it is show day and they are getting updates on how their friends are doing and I can see a bit of sadness creeping in.

Here is a pic of one that my oldest Ross was to show.  The mark on his belly is pretty recognizable if anyone sees him.  Trust me if you see him you'll know it, he was an eye catcher.  I doubt the folks who did this were after the after sheep but you never know I guess.

All- What a day....Our Friends were hauling our lambs to Houston (along with theirs) and woke up to find their Tahoe, Trailer and all contents gone from the Motel parking lot.  Please take a look at these links as there are pictures of the Tahoe and trailer in case you see them somewhere.

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