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Topics - tsylvester

Pages: [1]
All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Withering Lambs
« on: August 23, 2016, 08:27:39 am »
Question for you all.  This not a specific case but something I've seen a couple times a year and wondering if anyone else has solved this riddle.  None of the lambs it happened to were worth investing in vet charges so I've tried to solve myself with no luck.

Here is the scenario....
Lamb is fine, growing at normal pace and at about 4 months old it begins being lethargic and reduces feed intake.  Over time it gets thinner and eats less.  I will supplement with a liquid diet, deworm, use various antibiotics, bo-se, vitamin B, CD antitoxin (not all at once or to the same lamb but I have tried all these at some point) with no change.  They wont have a fever or diahrea and show no physical signs of weakness in joints, limbs or muscles. They have had 2 CDT shots by this time.  I know it is not contagious and I know it will take a couple months before they die.  Maybe sometimes they will have a cough.  It seems as though their body cannot process the nutrients in food anymore.

Certainly, I'm not the only one to see this every now and then?

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Listing of 2017 Texas Major Judges
« on: May 25, 2016, 11:41:00 am »
Anyone have a link to somewhere with a listing of all the judges?  If not, maybe we can begin assembling the list here?

State Fair (2016)
Breeding JR- Jake Thorne - Miles, TX
Breeding Open-
Market- Cody Sloan - Cameron, MO

Fort Worth
Breeding JR-
Breeding Open-

Breeding JR-
Breeding Open-
Market- Kyle Smith - College Station, TX

San Antonio
Breeding JR-
Breeding Open-
Market- Dr. Kelly Bruns - North Platte, NE

Market- Chad Coburn - Sterling City, Texas

San Angelo
Breeding JR-
Breeding Open-

All-  Our barn will be open Saturday 5/7 if you need a lamb.  Please see or our facebook page for more info.  You can call or txt for an appointment at 940-312-8787

All- What a day....Our Friends were hauling our lambs to Houston (along with theirs) and woke up to find their Tahoe, Trailer and all contents gone from the Motel parking lot.  Please take a look at these links as there are pictures of the Tahoe and trailer in case you see them somewhere.

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Texas worm predictions
« on: February 11, 2016, 12:12:47 pm »
Well in Texas anyway it seems winter is fading and spring will be here soon.  Since last year was so bad for worms (with the endless monsoons), just wondering how you think that will affect things this year?  I'm not asking if you think it will rain or not, I'm wondering about parasite life cycle and repetitiveness.  Are you personally expecting/planning for this year to be bad as well?

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Urinary Calculi Encouragement
« on: December 03, 2015, 09:43:46 am »
Just wanted to give you all some info that will hopefully encourage you to not loose hope or help save a lamb.  We had one go down with the Calculi the other night and immediately knew the outcome is not promising.  We checked with our vet for suggestions, here is what we ended up doing:
-We gave 1 cc of banamine already before we called, he suggested another 2 cc a few hours later.
-5 cc of LA300
-Pulled grain, gave hay
-Took about 1/2 liter of warm/hot water and shot it up penal sheath with syringe (no needle) then massaged water back out
-When done with water shot 5cc of Iodine up there
-Went to bed
The next morning, boom the lamb got up and pee'd for 5 minutes!!! 
We found our issue with our feed and have corrected it already and now have him on a teaspoon of ammonium chloride mixed with water and drenched for the next few days to clear out any backlog. So who knows if any of this fixed the issue or if it will come back and he'll die next week but wanted to pass it on, I hope it helps someone someday.

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Need to stop the squirts
« on: November 20, 2015, 08:10:54 am »
Okay, I have an odd one and hoping for some suggestions for a way to get one solid again.

Often our show sheep will get diarrhea from stress, shearing, weather changes etc..  We give them a sulfa pill and pepto and all is well.  We did that with this one and nothing, so we took a fecal sample to our vet.  He confirmed no coccidia and no worms.  The lamb is very energetic, not off feed, no cough, no nasal discharge, fully hydrated and no temperature.   We have pretty much pulled him off feed and went free choice hay and continuing with pepto but nothing yet.

Anyone have a secret recipe to get one solid?

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