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Topics - HeartP

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All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Best way to remove caked on mud?
« on: January 13, 2017, 11:48:24 am »
We've had LOTS of water over the last few weeks and our lambs are MUDDY. I need to get some washed and I was wondering if anyone has used any kinds of soaps, magic potions, etc. to breakdown mud from the wool? Thanks in advance for the help!

Just wondering what others are using for treatment of barber pole worms in prego ewes? Thanks!

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Lambs with fly bites
« on: May 31, 2016, 12:06:55 pm »
Our lambs just got back from fair and are covered in fly bites. Any idea on the best way to treat them?

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Conditioning hides for show
« on: May 18, 2016, 11:25:49 am »
Just trying to get some feedback on what people are using to keep hides fresh, conditioned, hydrated for show? We've used some show products but have had mixed results and I've been told that some of the products we're using are having the reverse effect. Thanks in advance!

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Weak lamb
« on: December 07, 2015, 03:10:10 pm »
We have a set of twins that are almost two weeks old. One of the twins is healthy and thriving and the other not so much. She is very weak and can barely stand. Once she's up, she can walk around, nurse, and is very alert. We've given her 1cc of BOSE, two doses Vit B complex (however I'm not too sure what size dose I should be giving her), NutriDrench, and some Vit E. Any ideas? Thanks!

Buy and Sell / Spring Ewe Lambs for Sale
« on: September 28, 2015, 10:32:19 am »
Ewe lambs for sale, all out of our A/E buck, Pandemonium (Turmoil X Trunk). I would love to keep them all but that's just not going to happen. These ewes were all born late January/early February and have never been pushed on feed. We have 6 but not all are pictured. Priced to move at $300, package discount if purchasing multiples.

1)1518 - Pandemonium X Cabaniss

2) 1523 - Pandemonium X Momentum
A twin that had a rough start on a ewe that got mastitis. Her dam was very successful as show ewe, her twin will be retained in our flock.

3) 1517 - Pandemonium X Cabaniss

4) 1535 - Pandemonium X Stout
Her dam comes straight from Larry DeSpain's flock

5) 1537 - Pandemonium X Eccentric
6) 1528 - Pandemonium X Cabaniss

I'm looking for a ride for a couple ewe lambs from Lubbock, TX to Northern CA. Is there anyone out there that knows someone that can help? The hauler we generally use just can't get close enough.

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