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Topics - EmsoffLambs

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All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Infertile ram
« on: September 01, 2016, 05:35:11 pm »
What is standard procedure in this situation?

I bought a mature ram in partnership with another breeder. Had him hauled here in early June and my partner turned him out with a half dozen CIDRed ewes. He marked them, but they all just ultrasounded open. He's been with another handful of ewes and remarked them three or four times. Just had him semen checked and in her words, "He is all bad.......less than 40% viable sperm, slow motility, 60% gross abnormalities, ie; separated heads/tails, somethng called mid piece droplets, which basically looks like it's folded in half and causes it to go in circles....He says there is no way to know if/when he'll improve but at this point he is not producing enough good semen to get these ewes bred." So we have had this ram nearly three months and he has not settled a single ewe.

I contacted the seller prior to the semen test to give him a heads up and his only response was that he sired 30+ lambs last year. Obviously I don't believe the seller knowingly sold us an infertile ram. But what would be standard procedure here? Are we just out our money or is the seller obligated to refund our money? I know what I would do myself if I were in his shoes, but ethically/legally, what happens in this situation? There was no discussion about guaranteed fertility, but is it implied when you sell a ram? I just want to know what is reasonable to ask for/expect, if anything.

Buy and Sell / Ewes for sale
« on: September 01, 2016, 02:57:59 pm »
Three bred ewes for sale. These ewes have been exposed to Maximus, some already marked. Below are some of the lambs they have thrown. Sired by Comstock, Tiberius and Ambition, ages 2-6 years. All lambed last year. All had good udders at weaning. Good ewes, not culls. Just need to make room for the newer genetics. $450 each or $1250 for all three.

Buy and Sell / ExGames X Maximus Ram Lamb For Sale
« on: August 17, 2016, 10:46:53 am »

We are offering this ExGames X Maximus buck lamb for sale. Born 2/19, will and ready to breed now. QR+, most likely RR as at least the last five rams in his pedigree were RR. This guys is just really complete and current. Big boned, big racked, big hipped. Really well made and sound. Five shots of Composure and five shots of Trademark in his pedigree. He's going to be a very consistent producer. $2,000 OBO. I have a trailer headed east this weekend if anyone was interested.

Buy and Sell / High quality May ewe lambs for sale
« on: July 12, 2016, 12:08:49 am »
These are the type of ewe lambs we normally keep and show ourselves, but our keeper pen is full and they were born too late for us to breed or show this year in California, so we are offering them for sale. All three are ExGames x Maximus and trace to Nicewonger ewes on the dam's side.




All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Can sheep get bladder infections?
« on: June 16, 2016, 10:25:21 am »
I have a ewe that is constantly squatting as if to urinate. She does pee normally from time to time and it looks normal, but most of the time nothing or only drips come out. She's otherwise normal, eating and drinking. This has been going on for a couple weeks now. Do you think she has a urinary tract infection? She is not bred. How would you treat her?

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Incognito
« on: June 02, 2016, 08:40:56 am »
It's been years since I've seen his picture and I can't remember where! Anyone have a picture of this ram or know how he was bred?

Buy and Sell / Ram lamb for sale
« on: May 30, 2016, 09:39:42 pm »

We have decided to sell full interest in our keeper ram. Maximus X Comstock, born 12/1/15. QR+ (last 4 sires in his pedigree were RR, so odds are high that he is as well). This guy is super sound, really good in his front end, big ribbed, has that giant Maximus rack and loin and a monster wide hip. Just a real complete ram. He was the Supreme Champion Ram at the Nevada Junior Livestock Show. Sires can be seen on our website at http://www.emsofflivestockcompany.comFree delivery to the Nugget All-American or can arrange transport to Sedalia. $2000

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / More on out of season breeding...
« on: May 30, 2016, 09:17:25 pm »
This is just my second year breeding out of season and last year we had some early abortion issues, so I feel like I didn't get a very good feel for how it "normally" goes. I have heard around 50-70% of ewes actually get bred out of season. Is this ewes that get marked or ewes that actually end up lambing? I ask because I pulled 5 CIDRs yesterday and so far 4 of those ewes are marked. Can I reasonably hope for lambs from these four ewes or only 50-70% of them?

In a typical year:

1) What is your average percentage of CIDRed ewes that get marked by the ram?
2) Of those ewes marked, what is the average percentage that actually lamb?

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Online Sheep Show ewe classes
« on: May 22, 2016, 08:00:45 am »

Results of the last class of nice yearling ewes is posted, along with a new class of young ewe lambs.

Also, I am running short on entries. I can use lambs of all ages: prospects, market lambs, ewes and rams. Be sure to get pictures of your sheep all spiffed up at the shows and get some showmanship pictures too while you're at it. Good luck!

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Show ring ethics/sportsmanship
« on: May 09, 2016, 03:29:19 pm »
I am writing an article for a magazine about show ring ethics and sportsmanship. What would you include in an article on this topic? Obviously any illegal drugs would be cheating and is unethical. What else? What things would you consider important when it comes to sportsmanship?


All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Melatonin
« on: May 06, 2016, 04:06:01 pm »
My foster daughter has a pretty decent wether that she's going to be showing but he's plain nuts. It's not from a lack of effort on our part. She and I both have been working with this lamb daily but still incredibly defensive.  He's a lot bigger than she is and will jump and bolt if anyone touches him and she has a hard time hanging onto him. I have heard melatonin recommended to help calm lambs. Does it work? Will it test? And how much/when do you give it?

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Shearing schedule
« on: May 03, 2016, 09:51:53 am »
When would you shear your lamb in this situation? There is a jackpot show this Saturday.  Then another show the following Thursday/Friday/Saturday. Would you shear once now (four days before the first show) and then again before the later show? Would there even be enough regrowth to reshear 7-8 days later? Or would you shear the day before the first show and then show the lambs at the later show with 5-7 days worth of regrowth? Part of my concern with waiting until the day before the show is that it's supposed to get cooler and rain. Not as good for washing lambs before shearing. So I am leaning toward shearing today and then again next Wednesday, assuming there will be enough wool regrown to actually shear. Is everyone totally confused now? Thought?

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Online Sheep Show results
« on: May 01, 2016, 10:27:41 am »

Online Sheep Show is updated with the results of the last ewe lamb class and a new class of prospect lambs. Check it out!

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Recip ewes
« on: April 18, 2016, 07:37:01 am »
I am considering flushing a ewe this year. Where is the best place to find recip ewes? I am thinking about using a few of my own ewes that I was going to sell, but thinking I can probably get more money for them as bred ewes that what it would cost to purchase a recip. Any thoughts?

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Ewe lamb classes
« on: April 17, 2016, 08:26:32 pm »

See how the judge placed the last class of older ewe lambs and try your hand at the current class of young ewe lambs. Good luck!

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