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Topics - Heresheep

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All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Wheat Germ Oil & Sterility
« on: August 16, 2016, 01:42:48 pm »
I have a heat-sterility issue with my ram.  I've heard that feeding wheat germ oil can help, any recommendations on how much to feed per day?

Let's say you had the opportunity to purchase semen from any ram currently being offered for $100/straw.   Who would you buy and why?

I have a pretty darn good lamb, that wants to hock in slightly on his left leg.  What is the proper way to trim the hooves to help correct this? 

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Strange "defects" in new born lambs
« on: October 28, 2015, 09:33:42 pm »
I've had two lambs born this week that have had severe neck and balance issues.  One would topple forward every time it tried to stand, I tubed in the first 24 hours and it has come around and seems to be fine, other than it does not lay down like a normal lamb, he always looks dead.  The second lamb, born today has the same symptoms, however his neck is cocked up and to the side.  He continues to fall on his side when he walks.  He too has not been able to nurse, so I have been tubing him.  My question is, could this be a nutritional problem or something that happened in utero?  I've never had this type of issue in the past  and it has me baffled.  Any advice is appreciated!

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Foot-Rot/abscess
« on: October 11, 2015, 12:05:36 pm »
I have a bred ewe that is battling what I believe is foot rot, scald, or an abscess, possibly a combo of all three.  I am very familiar with foot rot and scald, as it seems to be an on-going problem with my irrigated pasture, however, I do trim their hooves and run them through a footbath monthly, sometimes more, in addition, I will administer LA200 to those that are bad.  I have one ewe that does not seem to get better, and now she has an open abscess on the bottom of one of her hooves.  I have tried the formaldehyde footbath (at least twice), I've also treated with Kopertox + Nuflor (at least 3 times), currently she is inside the barn, on dry ground.  This has been going on now for about 3 weeks.  Any advice?

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Feeding Times
« on: September 02, 2015, 02:42:27 pm »
On another post some of you were talking about feeding your bred ewes once per day, at a specific time to help estimate lambing times.  What do most of you do, in terms of feeding times and how does it effect your lambing?  Also, if you are only feeding your ewes once per day, what about when they lamb?  Are you feeding your lactating ewes only once and what about the lambs you are creeping?  I've always fed all of my sheep (bred ewes, lactating ewes and lambs)twice per day, but would sure love to be able to do it once if it would be enough. Thanks for you input!

I just purchased an almost new Ketchum set of working corrals, including a sweep, alleys, gates, foot trimming turner....  I am very excited about getting it set up and start using it, however, I was hoping some of you might be able to post pics of how you have set-up your system.  Mostly the sweep, as we are having difficulty deciding where to locate it.  I would sure appreciate ideas and especially pics!  Thanks

All Sheep and Lamb Discussion / Wrinkles!
« on: June 24, 2015, 01:52:16 pm »
Let's start by saying I hate wrinkled lambs!  Now, I sold a lamb that has been fine except for the last few weeks.  I've seen pics and he is horribly wrinkled, well not horribly, but certainly more than I'd like to see.  The people showed him last week and then soaked him in Lime dip, then hydrated him.  Could this be the cause of the wrinkles?  They say he's been eating and drinking fine.  Any advice or solutions are welcome!

Thank you Crystal!

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